Editing Services

Creative Collaboration

Whether you’ve finished the first draft of your manuscript, are getting started on an idea, or find yourself stuck in a sea of words and sentences – writers face an empty page.

It can be easy for the writer to feel at a loss as the writing is coming together.

  • Writing is lonely.
  • Some of the feedback isn’t helpful, constructive, or positive.
  • Author Imposter Syndrome sets in.

No matter where you are in your process, you don’t have to do it alone.

The Writing & the Writer

I’ve been there on both sides, as a writer and editor, so I get it. That’s what makes me a great collaborator and coach – both the story you’re writing, and with the writer themselves.

An editor who understands you and your manuscript is exactly what you need to bring your work and your writing self to the next level. With honest feedback and copious encouragement, you’ll be able to build on what’s working in your manuscript and improve your writing skills.

Passage Preening

The Passage Preening package is a great way to test what it’s like working with a professional editor and get meaningful, actionable directions on a scene or chapter.

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Writer’s Roost

Enter the inspiration aviary and orient your story’s flight path with this creatively strategic package.

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Hatching Season

A monthly ongoing retainer to help you brood and bring forth your message with a professional in the wings.

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Manuscript Migration

Take in a fresh perspective and elevate your work to a whole new territory with this complete package for working manuscripts.

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Looking for a Great Editor?

Whenever you’re writing, there always are two creations in the making: the story itself, and who you become in the process.

An editor who understands the writing life, the manuscript, and who can give clear, motivating guidance is what writers need to become authors.

Schedule your free 30-minute conversation to connect with a seasoned professional and come away energized to fill the empty page again.